For a bit of fun at the dinner table, my father used to occasionally recite a Latin grace that he learnt as a resident at one of our local university colleges. The sound of the words is indelibly etched into my cerebellum - if indeed sounds can be etched (I guess that's how records are made??) - but with the combination of my father's and my poor hearing and poor knowledge of Latin, I have never known either the correct Latin words or the translation thereof. Can somebody please help me out? In my phonetic Latin, it goes like this:

Domini qui aperis manum tuum et omnia emplentur bona tate benedicari dignari cibum istum et nos exeo gustantes in de corporis et animi accipiamus sanitatum per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum.

I can get snatches only, such as the opening "[Our] Lord who open your hands and ... everything..", then something about "body and soul" and the closing "through JC our Lord."