>But, then, when did any of this ever stop the Bushes before? You can't stop a clan who has an estimated $400 billion dollars laundered away from the Silverado S&L banking scandal and Iran/Contra dealings, and whose Patriarch once ran the CIA. If they can't buy you then Daddy picks up the phone and makes you "disappear"...like Cliff Baxter, the would-be "John Dean" of ENRON. Anybody getting the picture here, yet?


Aw, come on, you don't really believe any of that, do you? if you had said $40 million I might have given some credence to it. But $400 billion? That's a bit too outrageous even for the right wing conspiracy theorists.

And as to the Big Shrub's tenure as head of the CIA -- yep, he was there. And if you go back and look you will see that every prior head of the CIA was a political appointee. DCI's a figurehead who sets overall policy. The real work of the CIA is done by people like me and you. Actually I worked for the CIA for a short time back in the 60s, moving mail from one part of the building to another for a summer. I admit to not knowing a thing about covert ops, but I can tell you that the rank and file employees are nothing more or less than dedicated civil service types doing their jobs. Over 90 precent of the work is analysis, taking this little fact here, putting it with that little newspaper item there, and factoring it in with a little tidbit from a covert operation to arrive at something that might be useful to the policy makers in Congress and the executive branch.

And as to Baxter, why does every suicide in the government attract moths like conspiracy theorists flocking around a pool of blood?