The term expressing the linear extension of the present into the future is extrapolation

This is certainly the technically correct term, Spartan - so thanks and congrats! There's also a very mathematical and linear feel to it... although don't mathematicians extrapolate curves more than lines? That may imply more creativity and efficiency than I'm after.

I suppose milum is right in saying I want a sorta derisive term that will point out the folly of basing long term predictions on the nature of events and things of today - so a subset of extrapolations where, by intention or not, the future is shown as implausibly like the present. Could the implausibility be judged in retrospect? Uh, yes.

How about if we talk about intrapolation as projection that stays "in the box" ? Then we just have to work out what form the adjective would take.

For the opposite scenario I agree that imagination and creativity are key - but "visionary" captures all that, so stays up the top of the list as far as I'm concerned.

I was guilty of presentdicting when for twenty years I saved up bond money to spring my children from jail and then they wasted it on a college education.
What milum, you mean there was once a point where your kids did what you expected, rather than the exact opposite?