one of the thing we must remember about the future is it will in many ways be just like the past!

i live in a 75 year old house.. i know people who live in 150 year old houses, and some in the UK live in 300+ year old houses..
somehow, houses haven't changed that much.. (well the dweller of the 300+ year old house complain about the damp..No, wait, doesn't every home owner in UK complain about the damp?)

houses have changed.. and the 300 year old house have been changed over time.. the plumbing has been improved.. pumps have been replaced by pipes and facets, and drains have been improved.. and the out house (what ever) has been moved in..

in general, in new housing, ceiling are higher (but not nessesarly, some old house had very hight ceilings.. depends on how fancy it was to begin with..)

room are bigger, and more open and have more windows, fireplaces are smaller and fewer, storage space, as closets, cupboards or china cabinets are bigger and there are more of them.. but 300 year (and older) houses still function.. the changes, like electricty, plumbing and heating and closets can be retrofitted into existing houses with total destroying them.

like wise, 300 years ago, a well off person would not walk a great distance if they had to travel to the city, but would take a conveyance..

nowdays, that is a car or train, then it was a horse drawn carriage, so there is a technology change, but not an attitude..

recipes for dinner and menus have changed only slightly.. and mostly for the lower economic classes.. the rich always had access to lemons, tea, sugar and other imported foods, now everyone has access. Likewise, the poor eat more meat, and cheese, and other foods that were luxuries.. but really, food is mostly the same.. what has changed is, it is fresher (well not always) cleaner, better preserved, cheaper, easier to cook and store, and there is lots more of it... bread is softer and whiter.. but its still bread.. and beer is bottles, but still beer.. for the most part we still eat the same foods as we did 300 years ago.. (yes, red meat is more likely to be beef than venison, but meat is meat.. and almost no one eats wrens or larks, when chicken is so cheap, and available. )
(in the past, eggs were fresher, often eaten the same day they were laid, nowdays, even organic eggs are likely to be at least 3 days old before they get to the store, and then rarely eaten the same day they were purchased. the same was true for milk, it was often served same day!)

clothing? well we often wear less, and there are more synthetic fibers, and its better tailored and cheaper but men still wear trousers, and woman still wear skirts, and both men and woman wear shirts with buttons.. zippers and velcro are new- but Buttons were new not that long ago! (the amish don't use buttons for the most part, since they are too new!)

clothes are cleaner, lighter weight, and easier to care for... the changes are machine knits (very fine knits, like T shirt fabric) and synthetics micro fibers are new even in my lifetime! but i still wear cotton, and linen and silk and wool! the clothes are more colorful, since synthetic dyes are richter.. but some plant dyes were very rich, and while the were not color safe, since clothes got washed less often, the colors didn't have a chance to fade.

the big changes, transportation, communications, electronics, just made things easier... and faster and cheaper..

the biggest changes that effected one life and life style are are literacy, books, information, travel... (which are possible because of the big changes in transportation, communications and electronics!