(a)Thunderbirds http://www.thunderbirdsonline.co.uk was produced in the 1960s, but set in 2020(ish). The look of the technology, but more especially the hairstyles and clothing adopted by the puppet stars, were very much 60s styles, albeit cutting-edge 60s styles.

Don't forget the music, FoaB! Who can forget those old classics Captain Scarlet! Captain Scarlet! and Marina, Aqua Marina [Pass the sick-bag emoticon]

Produced 1969, very daringly set in 1985!
but we'd still have early 70s clothes and hairstyles
but, but I did! [flared trousers emoticon]

Unlike Thunderbirds, UFO used real live actors, which made the dated styles even more obvious. What I find most entertaining about UFO now is the idea that roads could actually be less busy in 15 years time

That's because everyone would have achieved Utopia and would be swanning at home being looked after by their robot servants (probably).

One thing I always remember about Space:1999 is the date when the Moon separated from the Earth - September 13th 1999 - because it appeared at the beginning of every episode. That day I had just gone for an interview and went into work straight after. When I asked anyone if they knew the significance of the date they shrugged and shook their heads. Then, when I told them Space:1999 all the thirty-somethings' heads turned and lit up. Everyone knew the date but had almost forgotten it after almost 15 years.