I don't think there's a word for this, shona

I'm starting to think you're right Cap. Shall we invent one?

I used to review science fiction
You poor, poor sod! Hope it paid well.

Star Trek ...production values ...haven't dated very well either
Yeah. But I reckon the hardware in Star Trek ain't bad, really. Everything's small and neat, which wasn't necessarily predictable at that time. Sure is now.
I heard that Gene Roddenberry was obliged to introduce the transporter (and thus portable kit, I suppose) because they didn't have money/time to do a landing vehicle. If so, that's real serendipity.

the Alien movie series as a complete contrast
I'd certainly agree with you there, Cap. Ridley Scott's made a bit of a speciality of creating plausible visual futures. Perhaps it's crucial that everything is "lived in".

So... Ridley Scott is a "plausible futurist", not prone to "straight-line futurism" ??
