going waaaay back.... The 5th feeds me immediately right where I am in thought and emotion. Hamlet requires that I must concentrate. The 5th requires varying degrees of concentration from me...

WW, I think (sorry to drag things back to this debate!) that that is primarily what Margaret Kennedy meant, when she said, in Lucy Carmichael, that music is the least educative of the arts. She might also have said (but she didn't) that it is the most emotive.

Bollocks. I may never be able to adequately convey what I understood Kennedy to be saying, when she wrote that. All I know is, it made sense to me. If you take a bunch of people who are equally unfamiliar with all the arts, and shove 'em together in a room and have them sit through both the 5th and good ol' Spamlet, I think they would get more food for thought from Spamlet (the educative element) - though they might well be more moved by the 5th (the emotive element).

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.