I think it should be clear to all of us by now, Wordsmith does not wish to be involved. Why should he? He has nothing to gain, no obligation to us, no need to expose himself to the unpleasantness. To which we are adding more fuel.

Bill's right. This must be causing Anu so much pain - to see something that he so lovingly set up, for linguaphiles the world over to play in, be so filled with hatred and angst. I do agree with all the above posts about what Keiva/Rosten/whatever is up to, and I think he's wrong. But now I have to quote Slartibartfast, from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - I'd far rather be happy than right.

Don't know what it will take to be happy here....maybe just staying out of I&A? which I can't seem to do - some fun stuff goes on up here too.....Alas.

So sorry Anu, if you're reading this, for my part in its continuance. I will try to be more faithful to the spirit of the board from now on, a la WordWind.

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.