glottal stop glycoside - Having the limits of your sweet palate challenged.

rectilinear rede - Tell me like it is!

jackal jactitation - "Ladies and Gentlemen!! Step right up and be amazed by the tatooed gorilla, the flaming sword eater and the two bearded lady"

concourse condition - The room next to the *fumulus funk.

permutable preservation - Holding steadfast to the idea that change is inevitable.

sinistrous siren - Are there any other kind?

trash treadmill - The roads the garbage collector truck driver follows.

fillister finding - The inevitable consequences of walking around in my basement without shoes.

due bill dumbfound - That look on someones face who agreed to buy the "whole place" a round of drinks.

systematic tabes - Habitual procrastination.

extenuating extractor - Your dentist at his malpractice hearing.

somewhat soothfast - The uncertainty principle.

*(op. cit.)