This is keiva speaking. I use this name because I am unable to posts under the name keiva; whether due to the site or to my computer I do not know.

In recent days several people have, in various phraseology, described me as being seriously mentally disturbed. Retractions have been demanded from some of these people.


I request and demand of AnnaStrophic and Bobyoungbalt that they retract all statements they made regarding my mental condition, particularly those in the thread at

I request and demand of modestgoddess and wwh that they retract all statements they made accusing me of "blackmail" and of "extortion", each of which are criminal acts.

The above refers specifically but without limitation to the following posts:
AnnaStrophic's posts #73904 and #73906 on Thu June 20, at 12:39:06 and at 13:05:07
Bobyoungbalt's post #73846 on Wed June 19 at 23:07:37
modestgoddess's post #75107 today at 12:48:32
wwh's posts: too numerous to to itemize conveniently