I think they are parables for men : look beyond the facade to the woman beneath. Never lose your gentlemanly demeanor regardless of her whims and your rewards -- well!

Not being mislead by appearances is, of course, an excellent parable for everyone. I remember an episode of Lost in Space (showing my age here )which summarised it in as basic a manner as you can get. The ugly looking, slightly cantankerous alien was actually the goody, whereas the good-looking, reasonable-sounding human was the baddy. Of course it took the (errm) Robinsons a little while to see beyond appearances.

I remember being obliged to visit an old woman when I was a schoolboy. She was full of fascinating stories and obscure knowledge. I learned a lot, even if she never did change into a goddess.

And why, do you think, that Anu made a woman of Irish descent his High Priestess?
Indeed. But in that case she was already a goddess.