For me, it is extremely hard. I just can't summon the inner strength required to ignore the presence of someone who has accused me of being antisemitic. I just can't find the peace of mind needed to turn the other cheek to someone who has sworn that he would "nuke the board", and followed through on that threat. I just can't seem to avoid the way that my stomach turns whenever I see a post from the person that browbeat and maltreated our friend Jackie the way that he did. And now, I shudder when I think of his creepy behavior evidenced by the presence of his acolyte at Wordapalooza last weekend (from which he was disinvited in no uncertain terms) and his subsequent meeting with her in Lansing on Sunday to get his debriefing.

I, for one, no longer want to share this space with him. I've tried to stay away my self, but I feel cheated in so doing. I have been here nearly from the outset, but that was just a matter of chance. I am probably second only to wwh in number of posts, but that is just a matter of longevity. What would you have me do?!