No big deal. On Leyte there were still quite a few Jap holdouts. We were waiting for
ship to take us up to Luzon, and had no regular duty. So we went looking for
souvenirs around perimeter of airport near Tacloban, where there had been a
battle, and small bits of equipment had been left behind. I never knew who shot
at us. But a couple mornings later there was a lttle guy ahead of me in chowline
covered with a black poncho of a type I had never seen before. He had rain hat
with rim down so you couldn't see his face. He took tray and held it out to have
KP slop some slop on it. KP asked him which slop he wanted, and little guy never
said a word. KP, annoyed, reached over and removed the guy's rain hat, and
yelled:"My God, it's a Jap!" He was allowed to eat until MPs arrived.