How convivial the weekend was, to be sure. I think the elation ran so high because Keiva wasn't here, insinuating himself into every happy discussion with some moronic and unwelcome interjection.

I was absolutely gutted when I saw that he was back. I entirely understand the death "wishes" now (they were NOT "threats") - it seems probably the only thing that would keep Ken from posting here IS death. That's unlikely to happen in the near future, since except for his obviously obsessive nature he is probably in good health and only in his 50s, I think I remember him saying once - so unless he inadvertently steps in front of a bus or something, I think we are stuck with him. Or - unless Anu bans him, and properly this time.

So until Keiva stops raping the board, I'm outtie. I will lurk a bit, I expect, and I will certainly check PMs because there are people here whom I love and whose virtual company I enjoy. (But, just so he knows if he is reading this, I will NOT be reading PMs from Keiva. I did not read the latest, nor will I read any in future.)

rape: ( 2. violate, assault, pillage.

At last I really, truly understand how the old regulars felt. I'm so sorry for all of them, and for the new people visiting the board who must be wondering what the hell is going on. If any of them are reading this: I do hope you stick around, have a good time, and enjoy the words. The board has not been tainted for you. I hope it may never be.

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

- W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.