While so many of you were at Wordapalooza, I returned, along with a few others, and had a wonderful time exchanging ideas, limericks, tall tales, etc. on this board. I do hope that those of you who weren't on the board this weekend will allow us to continue in that amicable pattern, displaying courtesy to the several newcomers and old-timers alike, and having a good, and frequently edifying time, just as it should be!

When I first read your post, I thought, wouldn't congeniality be a better word? But after overcoming a laziness to liu, I did liued it and found that conviviality is very apt to the situation at hand because it means jovial and social (+ity) and also discovered that it is a beautiful word at its Latin roots which is "convivium" meaning "a living together" and "a banquet" (AHD)

On the other hand congenial means having the same taste or temperament, sympathetic, agreeable.

Conviviality, indeed!
Hi Geoff, will you be lurking now or continue to be convivial? Anyway, it was nice to "see you" again