Since it follows a cycle of seven sevens (49 years divided into seven) it is presumably related to the messianic number eight

Thanks, Peter.
I'm dimly aware of the importance of numbers/numerology within the Jewish tradition - would this relate to the Qaballah? And how is eight messianic?

Jubilee year
There's a point. What happens after the year is over? Do the big landowners reclaim their land and slaves? Or do they genuinely have to start again? I suppose the latter would be a tad over-idealistic

A guess: that property reverts to its original owner is, in that sense, connects with the notion that everything is God's
That appears to make a lot of sense. Very difficult principle to live by, albeit very sound indeed.

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
Nothing to kill or die for
A brotherhood of Man

Imagine all the people
Sharing all the World
