My first job as a young'un was at a donut shop, affectionately called 'The Donut Hole' (original I'm sure...). I filled many a bismarck in Belvidere, Illinois (midwesterners call them bismarcks too) with cream, custard, lemon, raspberry and even blueberry. We also specialized in bear claws. Bismarcks could be sugar glazed, white or chocolate glazed, or merely topped with cane sugar. I had a mighty strong right arm after a summer of filling hundreds a night.

Another favorite I had was a creme horn. Anyone ever had one?? I don't remember how exactly they were made but they were 5 or 6" of flaky fried dough filled with fluffy white creme. They looked like little dunce hats. Almost as much fun to play with as to eat!

Won't hardly touch a donut now though.......blech. Maybe an occasional Krispy Kreme glazed, but that's it.