Bill, speaking of lunch today with friends, we were joking about the most Canadian way to have a baby. The discussion began when a girlfriend of mine was saying she was so eager to find out whether or not she was pregnant, she went to the drugstore for a test kit, and then straight across the road into the Tim Horton's (Cdn donut shop, long since bought out by Wendy's so no longer Cdn, but originally begun by Cdn hockey player Tim Horton, funnily enough - vastly popular coffee spot for central-Canada Cdns, if not also for Easterners - not so evident in the west). I said that was about as Canadian as you could get about having a baby, and the only more-Canadian thing you could do would be to conceive same baby in a canoe....Someone else at the table said, "Or at a hockey game, between periods..." I said, "It would have to be between periods....!" (rimshot please!)

I crack myself up! what a great was truly eggstrordinary. [full of myself-e]

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.