Adam, I feel compelled to tell you that when Free Willy was released in Kingston (my town), The Firm was also playing here, and some wag working at the cinema had a little fun with the marquee....fortunately, just the one at the back of the building, but it was still visible to people travelling up or down Queen Street (next street over from main drag).

Of course it said....


something about which some of us lasses were even more optimistic....!

Anyone heard that excellent Scottish comic, Billy Connelly (gad I hope I spelled his name rite), going on about why he calls his a willy? very funny! all about "penis" sounding like that horrible place you went to on vacation, where it rained all the time and you got mugged, and "vagina" sounding like a lovely place to go (then he added, "Well, it IS!") - it was very clever and funny - well, for them as appreciates his style of humour. Which I does.

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.