
Guess what, Adam? So am I - by blood (both parents) if not language. Sadly my parents thought there would be little advantage to me in knowing Polish.

However, I could talk for hours about gowompki, cotletti, barsht, wigilia, sczledje, buka, practically any Krakus product you like and especially about wisniowka and sliwowicz

Perhaps save this for PMs unless we can find some English/Polish crossover words. Hmmm.

Oh, but I know the most important word of all - Stolat!


P.S. I also note the "=!" rather than "!=" for "not equal to" - is this something to do with Reverse Polish Notation, Adam?
No, this isn't a joke, folks - see below:
I'm also old enough to remember early calculators that used RPN!