what i did was to point out that keiva lied.
this is what he posted-- watch out, because he'll try to delete it: It speaks well of you that you are one of the few people (I count only two) who routinely has the courage to conduct the "Great Debate" under their regular screen-name. One admires the "courage of one's convictions", even if one disagrees with the convictions or tactics themselves.

You are one who has had that courage.
I am the other.˛
(there followed a list of names, in white)

but I pointed out, the person known as Keiva has also been know, for certain, to post under the names AphonicRants and KeivaCarpal. He used the first of these name before he was banned, for flaming/flame wars.
he forced his way back into this forum by making implied threats to Anu Garg, the founder of AWAD.

Now, in one of his classic twists of the facts, he accuses me of being threatening. I guess, i am if you are threatened by the truth.