yes, and one has to wonder about coincidences.. Like WO'N, won, Juan, and even Adam's interest in won, or is that WO'N, or Juan?

Sock puppet's can be transparent to more than one person. and its so easy to have your sock puppet feed you a line.. and together you can play games, isn't it so? oh, my how clever you are, when you talk to yourself. the conversations at your dinner table must be facinating!

Most of the sock puppets on the awad of late are pretty one dimentional. they don't pretend to be anything but gadflys, that buzz in and out, trying to annoy keiva.

but everytime that happens, there is, at the same time a sudden influx of new users, who come and post for the very first time! these user spring to life from foriegn countries, with cute little faux pas in their spelling, asking petty little questions.. they come complete with history, and arrive, oh, 10 to 15 minutes after a gadfly has successfully bitten keiva! its a pretty consistant pattern. Now, let me think? do i know anyone who's behavior can be identified by lies, deciet, and patterns?

think about it! Now, Adam, you did say your name was Adam, just what did you want to know about the word won?
i can tell you, its the opposite of lost.
Do you know the word loser? a loser is the one who didn't win. but the word also has a more general meaning. it means a sad, pitiful person, the kind that destroys the playground, gets banned, and then complains that he was banned, and when he gets let back in, has no one to play with, he makes up friends for himself. imaginary friends.. their the only kind a loser has.