Silk, I do hope you're not leaving? I can't read the posts you've deleted but it sounds as though one of them advocates ignoring posts/posters (perhaps one in particular, whom I myself choose to ignore) in order to maintain calm and sanity on the board.

I do wish people would stop picking at each other here....Fortunately there's not a LOT of picking, but what there is, is still distressing.

I take Helen's point about words - but I don't mind some of the digressions. We're all human - who can know what's going to be of interest? If a thread gets "corrupted" by punning and discussion distant from the original intent, perhaps the original intent could be reopened in a new thread. I certainly had a thread corrupted way back when: can't even remember what it was originally about, because it so quickly (within two or three posts) turned into a discussion of uniforms!

Sugar coming from grit/pebble/etc: My mother sometimes talks about putting some sugar on some dessert - rhubarb or melon or strawberries or what have you - "for grit"! (yeah, Mum, like you don't want the sweetness too!)

Anyway....I really wanted to say, SILK PLEASE DON'T LEAVE! I enjoy your posts no end and love your integrity and positive attitude. Sometimes wish you had PM switched on so I could say "hello" without all the board looking on....the only thing I use PM for, really: maintaining private relationships with board members I love.

"Puerile war....countless hours of entertainment" - that about sums it up, really. Sighhhhh.