I'll say it again: Geoff, you naughty man!

I'm with alexis and Silk. Incorrectly used apostrophes and ellipses are annoying!

I thought the rule with ellipses was: three if you removed a part of a sentence, and four if the part that was removed included a period (ie, if you removed the end of one sentence and resumed quoting with the beginning of the next sentence). I never adhere to that rule myself, because for some reason I just like the look of four anyway....(nothing removed there, just a pause for effect!) - but I THINK that's the "rule."

Apostrophes.....North Americans seem to be using all the spare ones that Australia DOESN'T use! Ayers Rock is Ayers Rock, not Ayer's Rock, even though it was named for, um, was it William Ayer? somebody Ayer, anyway. I noticed that all over Oz when I was down there - the apostrophe for possessive names seemed to have completely disappeared. Weird.

I like Silk's example: free kitten's WHAT?!