In spite of my denials regarding PM usage, I've received several, asking as to my identity and which side I'm on (what?). So I'll say this publicly, speaking for myself only: I'm mad as hell about the loss of some of my favorite posters (relating to words!): Bingley, NicholasW, Faldage, MaxQ (what's happened to Max's FAQ pages?) and I'm forgetting several others. If you're new and you've been reading the recycled threads you'll recognize the names. My only agenda is to make those people I alluded to earlier feel some level of guilt, and maybe to wrench some words of apology from them for what they've done here. But it's evident that's not going to happen, and I see that some of you are trying to divert the posting back onto more fruitful ground, so I'm going to return to the wainscot[t]ing from whence I came.

By the way, I must confess to making one exception in the PM department. (Hi Bill! Good to see you posting again.)

(And tsuwm, I didn't actually[R] forget you; I wanted to single you out for bringing this site to my attention in the first place, through your site. At least I have the daily WWFTD, if not your presence here.)


The Lone Haranguer