I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of you who have managed to continue to post repeatedly about Keiva-this and Keiva-that. YIPPEE! Hooray for you!!! I'd hazard a guess that Keiva is probably the most talked-about (and by FAR the most BORING topic on this board in the past two weeks. No matter what the discussion or subject heading, some hothead just feels compelled to turn the subject back to him. Hasn't he drawn enough completely unnecessary attention to himself without your help? And now that he has all your attention, can the rest of us PLEASE continue without enduring further infernal blathering about him? Ignoring his posts is no problem - he's only one person. But if I have to read about him on every damn post here, then you people are no better, in my book.
Knock it the hell off, already.

up from the ASSES