You know that you were the first one to welcome me on the board and sustained me with your lovely words and very sincere personal concern. Although I have not met you and did not really carry on a regular communication but still I hope you know that I have come to love you as if you have been an old friend. So you know how very sad and devastated I am to read this, your bombshell. It is that to me, a real bombshell that I was surprised with because I had been lulled into thinking that all is well. I will be in touch with you, I hope you will let me. I have been feeling on top of the world lately but this event has surely brought me down with a thud.
That is how much you mean to me.
I am misty-eyed and I feel so forlorn.
I am trying hard to post to keep this place going because I believe it is too precious to lose and that includes you and all the good and brilliant people from whom I have gotten so much delight being wordcrazy as I am.
Jackie, words cannot express.....however hard I will try.
I love you!