Well, it's fishonabike, Jim, but not as we know him...

Hi folks!

I've finally managed to convince myself I have the self-discipline to be an occasional dive-in Awadian rather than the hopeless word-junkie that once was.

Well, we'll see, eh?

If I still have a job in a few weeks time, then I've cracked it - and I'll be absobloodylutely delighted to be able to have the best of both worlds.

I come bearing a little gift. My friend John S. Allen has taken the search for the origins of
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle
a step further than we managed a while back, and has received an email from the phrase's author, no less!
Check it out:

He neglects to mention, however, that he found out about Irina Dunn's role through yours truly, and that yours truly found out from (and gave credit to) none other than good ol' JazzO on good ol' AWAD:

Ah, well.

Could someone please fill me in on anything I need to know as a virtual newbie? Anything not generally relevant to newbies is probably best communicated as a private message. Oh, and I've noticed Max & Jo's little Guide to Awadia. Very nice it is, too

I'm going to apologize in advance for likely YARTing and for my lack of attention to anything outside the immediate vicinity of the posts I make, OK? Of course you should still consider yourselves fully licensed to point out such environmentally unsound practices to me.

Phew. An essay where I meant a paragraph. If only I were still a student [sigh]

That's it for now - I'm off for a swimcycle around...

Greetings old friends (who I happily notice are still in abundance) and new!