Musick writes:

I had to clarifie (a little (very little) cross-treading) the meaning of my words by adding the italics to stress the hidden agenda... I knew 'Nothing' would not be enough! the parentheses within parentheses touch....

And what is the meaning here of nothing?

And, Helen, I mean, of course, "oftroy,": What is the meaning of "indoor golf"? Sounds dangerous to me! All those balls rebounding offa walls and hitting people in their noggins.

And I don't get human beings attempting frisbee in the first place when dogs get by far better press for their skills.

And, since I'm so extraordinarily confused by this entire topic, I have a very important question to ask:

Why do golfballs have those inverted pimples in 'em?

Ball regards,
WordWearied I really do try to understand sports, but fail miserably