Further to what zootsuit said....

Like z/s and doc_c, I've never heard of boobley. I suggest it is not widely used and, at a guess, is from Melbourne or Tassie. It seems temptingly close to a cross between "blue" (fight/argument) or "wobbly" (display of anger or frustration).

The others seem to have heard of "divvy van" (divisional van - ie bull wagon - ie paddy wagon) but I haven't. It sounds like it's an old term and, again, Victorian. Various police departments were (are?) known as Divisions.

Note to zootsuit: There's previously been encouragement to US'ns to refer to us as "Ozzies" at this Board. Without guidance, they persist in pronouncing "Aussies" as "Ossssssies" which, as you no doubt would be aware, we HATE!
