I found on the web this list of Ozzie slang terms. Would anyone more knowledgeable than I care to comment its accuracy?

arvo: afternoon
bikkie: biscuit
blower: telephone
blue: a fight or argument
bonzer: great
boobley: a big fight/argument
bugger-all: very little
go to buggery: go to hell!
carked it: died (e.g. the car carked it half way to the beach)
chockie: chocolate
chook: chicken
crack: a mental express extreme anger or rage
daks, underdaks: pants, underpants
deadshit: a person of low intelligence (an insult)
divvy van: police van, paddy wagon
drongo: a really dumb dude
up the duff: pregnant
dunny: toilet
fag: cigarette
fair dinkum, dinkum, dinky-dye: honest, truthful, honourable
fart-arse: screw off, waste time
crack a fat: get a boner
footy: a football, or a game of football
franger: condom
goes like a shower of shit: really fast or impressive
hooroo: goodbye, see you later
no wucker’s: a polite shortened form of the spoonerism ‘no wucking furries’
norks: breasts
piss: alcoholic beverage
pissed: drunk
root: synonymous with the word f*ck
sook: a ‘cry-baby’
wanker: one who masturbates... A good all purpose insult.
wowser: prude
yobbo: a rude or ingnorant person