Spontaneous Polling will now commence. Please vote within 72 hours from the time of this posting, unless I arbitrarily change the deadline again.

a. (n) the degree to which cement has hardened, usually indicated by percent.

b. a painting technique thought to originate in North Africa using charcoal and marble chippings

c. A residue, primarily lead oxide, formed during refining silver

d. (n) secretion produced by a pulvillus of the fly

e. Leftovers

f. Still archaic, but more modern, form of letheage –solace gained by forgetting. “He is full lethaged of it”,
meaning he has completely forgotten the subject of his previous sorrow.

g. the sticky saliva that causes insects to adhere to the tongue of a frog

h. Slack created in anchor lines as knots tighten, particularly as a result of tidal forces.

i. weight in stone (Brit. unit of 14 lbs.)

j. The process of removing stones and other unwanted material such as stalks from the usable crop of cherries, prior to jam or juice manufacture.

k. unreadable facial expression

l. the speed at which an object sinks in water

m. the comparative weight of different paper types.

n. The rate of the drop in the use of directive articles in language as the language becomes more homogeneous. Known as the Economy of Usage scale, in 1959, S.I.Hayakawa gave english a lithage rating of + 76, indicating a high rate of diminishing diversity.