Are there magpies in US? Ravens?

Indeed, we got both. In fact, last weekend I was camping with my kids at Pinnacles National Monument (lovely place - oodles of wildflowers in the springtime) and at the campground there was a gorgeous yellow-billed magpie (only found in California, but worth the trip). He had a couple of campsites he had staked out and he'd strut around in the dry grass, daring us to approach.

Here's a pic:

As to ravens, I've seen them in the Southwest, same as Faldaje - on a two-week raft trip in southern Utah a couple of years ago they would regularly cruise the canyons above us, and then try to sneak off with any unguarded food - one monster of a raven flew away with half a package of Fig Newtons™ clutched in its beak.

[/birder ramblings]