what made Cesarean section possible was thousands of women dying, until doctors got it right.
at little as 50 years ago c-sections were life threatenting surgery. 100 years ago, a c-section was a death sentence to woman.
they became possible only because of Jenner's work on antiseptic surgry, Pastures work on germ theory, and other medical advances..

men were perfectly willing to cut up women, and if some died, so be it.. so women stayed away, until the AMA basicly outlawed mid wives, and forced woman to go to and use doctors. Now that woman have some power and say in their own lives, they are once again going back to midwives.

the medical profession has done wonders, and it has made my life longer, healthier and more pleasant in thousands of ways. I am glad not to have had small pox, or TB, or diphtheria, or to almost die from a paper cut.

I do value what doctors do. i don't think the AMA or doctors much value midwives, and what they did, or do.