When reading it is a pleasure to encounter the lesser used definitions of common words. A couple of my favorites are... [definitions courtesy of Meriam-Webster]

(1) Traffic The commercial exchange of goods; trade. Illegal or improper commercial activity: drug traffic on city streets. Mr. Jones was sent to jail for trafficking in narcotics.

(2) Fell transitive verb: to cut, knock, or bring down: KILL The lumberjack felled the tree with a few strokes of his axe.

[The adjective form, meaning "all at once also or with a single concentrated effort," as in in one fell swoop is another interesting use of "fell." Yet another use of "fell" is to mean "FIERCE, CRUEL, TERRIBLE b : SINISTER, MALEVOLENT (a fell purpose) c : very destructive : DEADLY (a fell disease)." This use of "fell" has a different etymology from the first definition, and is related to the word "felon."]

(3) Terrible: exciting extreme alarm or intense fear; TERRIFYING: formidable in nature; AWESOME a terrible responsibility.

I wonder if anyone else has words of this ilk that they enjoy coming across?