A great many of them do come off the top of my head, but many more of them are carefully stacked in what I hope is an almost endless memory bank. I have a very good ear for words and a good eye for absurdity. And sometimes even a halfway-decent sense of humor. I also remember things like this for decades. I have almost total recall for jokes and puns when I am provided with a stimulus. In this case it was Morton salt, who knows what it will be next.

I'd be willing to bet that something reminds me of a joke at least 25 times a day. Most often in a situation where I can't tell it, but at least I amuse myself!

There's apparently an hereditary factor at work. My father was the source of many of my jokes, including the Morton salt one. And two weeks ago I was sitting in the hot tub with the kids, teaching them to sing,

When the moon hits the sky
Like a big pizza pie,
That's amore.

Sasha (just turned four) laughed and said, "No, Daddy, when the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie, tha's a more B."

In addition to my father, the other person in my life who gets a large amount of credit (some might say blame) for the development of my sense of humor is Bennett Cerf. That man collected jokes the way some people collect pennies. And a hell of a lot of them were puns.

I revel, as do all punsters, in the quick one-liner that comes almost unbidden to the lips, but I also like and have a lot of fun with shaggy dog stories. I actually have enough of them to put together a book, which I keep threatening to do. I can also tell them pretty well, also. Like my daughter, shy I am not.



What is "My Word"?
