depends on what you call vocabulary. are they the words i know? can read, and understand? or the words i normally use in writing? or in speaking?

before spell check i never made a decision in writing (because i always had trouble spelling decide and it associated words..) so i would opt, or elect, or make a choice.

there are lots of words i know, but until this second, i don't think i've ever written about a carborator.. (a thing in (old) cars, that took in fresh air, through a butterfly valve, and mixed it with gasoline to get it ready to ignite in the internal combustion chamber.-- maybe not a consise dictionary defination, but i do know what a carborator is. so it is part of my vocabulary. but not a word i use very often.. I don't even say carborator that often, and i will say it less, now that most cars use fuel injection!

so which vocabulary are we counting?
words used in speach, in writing or in reading? or all of the words we know?