I don't think it is just poverty.. but i do think there is urban poverty that involves poverty of spirit, not just of cash. Can one have poverty of spirit and be middle class? sure.. one can have a poverty of spirit and be rich.. but to being poor, taxes all of ones resourses.. and eventually, it takes a toll..

everyone gets blue sometimes.. some of us get serious depressed sometimes.. and if we are lucky, we have a support group of friends and family (and doctors and medications) that help us get past the bad patches. but many studies have shown, the poorer you are (financially) the longer your depressions is likely to last... and the less likely you are to get it treated (or even recognized).

one study done in NY with impoverishd families didn't give them any new money.. but it required adults to come 2 or 3 times a week to counciling sesions. some were group, some where one on one.. some particapants ended up getting prescription anti depressants..

one year later, all of the families involved were earning more income.. so which comes first? depression? or poverty? and how do you break the cycle?

and how good are depressed adults as teachers to young children?