Here's the list of rules for posting at the alt.english newsgroup (submitted *without comment ):

Things you may want to consider avoiding when posting here:

(1) re-opening topics (such as "singular they" and "hopefully") that experience shows lead to circular debate. (One function of the FAQ file is to point out topics that have already been discussed ad nauseam.)

(2) questions that can be answered by simple reference to a dictionary or a thesaurus.

(3) generalities. If you make a statement like: "Here in the U.S. we NEVER say 'different to'", "Retroflex 'r' is ONLY used in North America", or "'Eh' ALWAYS rhymes with 'pay'", chances are that someone will pounce on you with a counterexample.

(4) assertions that one variety of English is "true English".

(5) sloppy writing (as distinct from simple typing errors, or errors from someone whose native language is not English). The regulars are probably less willing than the general population to suffer sloppy writers gladly. Each article is written by one person, but read perhaps by thousands, so the convenience of the readers really ought to have priority over the convenience of the writer. Again, this is *not* to discourage non-native speakers from posting; readers will be able to detect that you're writing in a language that is foreign to you, and will make allowances for that.

(6) expressions of exasperation. In the course of debate, you may encounter positions based on premises radically different from yours and perhaps surprisingly novel to you. Saying things like "Oh, please", "That's absurd", "Give me a break", or "Go teach your grandmother to suck eggs, my man" is unlikely to win your opponent over.