oops! after being publicly corrected, i guess i should go back and delete my post..
or maybe-- i could reluctantly admit..
yeah, i guess for some people, a song written in the 1970's, could have been learned in childhood, and be thought an old song...
or i could just let it pass..

i could be wrong in making the comment, and Max could be wrong to nit pic, and Maveric could be wrong to join the battle.. or it could just be fun, and and i can be somewhat right (since the comments were made in the late 1970's, by adults, the four green fields was an old song) and max is right too, (but are we doing letting young whipper-snappers like him post?) and Mav could be right.. and no ones feelings got hurt, because we are adults, and behave like adults, and not like spoiled children, who, make problems for everyone..

no one told Silk Muse to remove her post... and AnnaS's post to my ear, sounded more like some one stunned that they missed the train..

rather than a complaint or being critical, she was a deer caught in the headlights saying What are those interesting liSMASH!

hey, but i could be wrong about this too! but what harm does it do to give AnnaS the benifit of the doubt? if she continued to complain, and RANT, again and again, and to make leading statements, and inuendo (posting with no comment-- such B.S!) then, maybe we could say, hey AnnaS, give it a rest!

but somehow, AnnaS, (and one or two others) are expected to be perfect, and never, ever post a statement that has the least bit of ambiguity.. because if they don't, one or two people will say-- Oh, look-- if you read it upside down, backwards, and inverted, it could be construed to mean something else!