What about thought? The process of thinking in a certain language seems to frame thought, albeit instantaneously, on an inner sight of each word. I don't notice this if I don't stop to think about it, but whenever I ruminate about this I see the inner vision of the word gives rise to the thought. There seems to be no way around it.

It's kind of like driving. If you stop to analyse the process as you're doing it you'll see all the radar and co-ordinations involved in the act, but otherwise you just do it. Likewise, thinking is somnething you just do. But is thinking possible without a language? It must be, of course. Animals think... as evidenced by chimps, gorillas, dogs, cats, and others. Not sentience in the strictest sense, but thought nevertheless. And, of course, humans had the ability to think before language. And babies. So what is pure thought without language? Once the symbols of language are learned, it seems, thought is then always framed upon words...there's no going back.

"And in the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh." Perhaps this Biblical metaphor alludes to when Word was first born into thought?

Your thoughts?

The Only WO'N!