>>>So, whilst I would prefer that advertising was not wrapped up in teaching materials, I think that we should make children aware if the real world that they live in and arm them to deal with the bombardment of advertising that they will certainly face. <<<<
Well said---Anyone can conceive a child and change the diapers--but to raise a wholesome, well-rounded kid is the parents main priority not the school, the corporate business, the community, or the church. While we need these to complete the circle, the family is the nucleus, and the parents are the root. Too many parents are sheltering their children from the real world or taking an apathetic stand and leaving it all up to someone else--while they just keep on making babies and having fun. Once again, what is wrong with the words, well-rounded, basic, middle of the road, and average. It has become too popular to be a superstar or an At-risk, ritalin, disabled (spec ed, LD or Behavior) labeled student. What is so wrong with just being a kid and a we want our kids to say NO to drugs, alcohol, porn, sex, candy, fast food, designer labels, but we are unwilling to say NO ourselves.
Again I say Silkmuse is correct, and jmh, of troy and Jazz are very wise.
And again along with reading "Fast Food Nation" please read "The Trouble with Perfect" by Elisabeth Guthrie, MD
about the many probs with overacheivment and pushing a kid, how to quit this, but still remain in control and enjoy being a parent and still raise a successful well-bred child. And the child benefits too, by again resumming his role of being a kid, not a little adult. Then he will be a superstar adult and contributing member of society. And Mc Ducks should be a special earned treat, not and every day breakfast, lunch and dinner. And don't blame the companies, because it is their job to make money so they can pay saleries, and yes, silkmuse--the poor schools apply to these companies, because the governments and the taxpayers are unwilling to fund and value education--don't they recognize that these kids are the future leaders of the world?

