Re:The students are not taught that cokes are more nutrititious than milk.

but for young minds, isn't almost as bad to teach them that coke is more desirable than milk? or french fries are more desireable than baked potatoes?

Mc DooDoo's advertizes that it food is part of a healthy diet, and it could be, if you had big mac's once a month, but once a week, (or once a day?) unhealthy.

but before they can learn such fine points, they are bombarded with ads-- and when the ad become part of the school, its harder for kids not to believe all the information in the ads isn't true.

In NY McDooDoo's has school nights a two hour early evening school fundraiser, where money is donated to school based on sales for the two hours, and kids are encouraged to eat at McDooDoo's, and to get family and friends eat there at the specific day and time, all to benifit the school.. i suspect McDooDoo's benefits more.