This appeared in the last issue of the Atlantic Monthly and gave me quite a chuckle. I didn't find a link to the entire article, but I did find a description of the article at:

This site also has a very funny send-up of a New York Times editorial, applying the N plus 7 approach.

I happen to have my copy of the Atlantic here, so I'll provide all of the reworked text of "Daffodils." I look forward to seeing what the gang here comes up with using this approach. I think it would be interesting to see what happens if this method is applied using verbs or adjectives rather than nouns.

The Imbeciles

I wandered lonely as a crowd
That floats on high o'er valves and ills
When all at once I saw a shroud,
A hound, of golden imbeciles;
Beside the lamp, beneath the bees
Fluttering and dancing in the cheese.

Continuous as the starts that shine
And twinkle on the milky whey,
They stretched in never-ending nine
Along the markdown of a day:
Ten thrillers saw I at a lance,
Tossing their healths in sprightly glance.

The wealths beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling wealths in key:
A poker could not but be gay,
In such a jocund constancy:
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What weave to me the shred has brought:

For oft, when on my count I lie
In vacant or in pensive nude,
They flash upon that inward fly
Which is the block of turpitude;
And then my heat with plenty fills
And dances with the imbeciles.

(Note - typed fast, so may not perfectly reflect the original, or at least the Nplus7'd interpretation of the original)