I don't remember the the
Shock boo ya, shock, shock, shock boo ya, Roll Call,
Shock boo ya, shock, shock, shock boo ya, Roll Call

at all, but Fiberbabe reminded me of

A my name is Anna
and i come from Alabama
and i eat apples

Bmy name is betty
and i come from Boston
and i eat bananas

and so on.. it was a jump rope song, specifically double dutch, and you jumped in, did your letter, and jumped out.. and with out missing a beat, the next girl jumped in..
it was great in the school yard, where lots of girls waited for a turn to jump in.. usually you had two lines, and you alternated.. entered right, exited left, enterd left, and exited right.. the second round of the alphabet required all new names, places and foods.. Q was hard enough once second go round, no one wanted it, same with X.. but z has more names and you could eat silly things like zinnias.
(i am right in presuming every one here knows what double dutch is? this years winners were a team from Japan.. )

in Fiberbabe's example, the words rhyme, in ours, they followed a letter pattern