oxytocin, Don't worry about it..
(was it just december? oxytocin is also used as a drug, it help to stimulate contractions, and it is used if a woman is having 'slow labor'-- it was used on me, and i am not to keen on it.. my water broke, no labor for many hours, a growing concern about infections (aminotic fluid helps to protect the baby from infections) a shot of oxytocin, and a baby less than 1 hour later.. way to fast for my comfort!

i recieved in an email, a piece about woman and mens reactions to stress (i think WOW sent it to me...but i an not sure) in any case, it was a study that discovered that women, with high levels of adrelaine-- the so called flight or fight hormone, tend to do neither... women tend to huddle together, and comfort each other.. so they tend to fight or fondle! and more often fondle!

if i still have the email, i'll post it on monday--or some one else might have it, and add it sooner.-- many studies on hormones have only been done on men (often men in prison) and some of the finding are not true for the homones effect women. (duh!)