He had an engineering factory.

Now that'sa funny!

If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until a representative comes on the line.

This one was great too, and reminded me of something. A few years ago I lived on a nice little street here in Berkeley, California, with one real problem - down the block was a house that was being used to deal crystal meth - not the most savory of drugs. Folks on the block had a number of meetings with the police about it, and we were discussing the behavior of some of the folks at the house, particularly that they were constantly, even obsessively, mucking about under the hoods of their cars. The cops at this meeting told us that this is very typical of meth heads - if you put them in a room, alone, with a phone, they will always take the phone apart.

Not word related, but I found it interesting.

(possible word relation - the stuff makes them want to meth with things?)