I didn't know it had a fancy name, but i know the concept.

as a child, if i complained, that "yard duty" or "eraser duty" or some other chore was difficult, (its too sunny, and hot, I'm all chalk covered and coughing..") we were told to suffer it gladly, and offer up our sacrafice to save some other soul, a deceased aunt, or grandparent.

Our good deeds, could help speed their way from purgatory, a holding place were human could atone for all earthy sins they forgot to confess, and be absolved off, before they could enter heaven.

So we were encourage to "offer up" our simple earthy suffering, to releive the more exquistly painful suffering of those in purgertory.

its actually quite effective.. instead of focusing on your own discomfort, you focus on easing other pain.. a reframe of what you were doing..

but you need to check with WOW--she is the one who really paid attention in class.. i have fallen so far from what the catholic church considers a state of grace, i am almost on first names basis with the devil!