Synchronicity - You can't escape it. I bet not in a thousand years would Shakespeare have thought that he would have been born on Keiva's birthday.

But rather than quoting Shakespeare in honor of your birthday I was gonna recite Carl Sandburg's poem Chicago -city of the big shoulders, but I couldn't find it. The only poem I could find by Carl Sandburg was The Lawyers Know Too Much, you know, the one with the rude refrain, tell me why a hearse horse snickers when he hauls a lawyers bones. So instead I searched the google for the meaning of your adopted name...

Your first name of Keiva has given you a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality. Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words; in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue. Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked , happy birthday Keiva.

I concur, >>HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEIVA<< I just sat down a empty glass in your honor.