Milum wrote:

That's it! You two girls must be my guest-of-honors at my next Hurricane Party. No matter if the hurricane is a dud, your curlicue way with the english language will insure the party a huge success.

Honestly, I don't think earthquakes and hurricanes are funny at all--and I sure wouldn't go to a hurricane party though I've heard of people who do for some strange reason.

However, the aftereffects of either Hurricane Hazel or Hurricane Diane back in the mid-50s when I was a child left an enormous white oak tree from our yard completely fallen across the street in front of our house. The neighborhood kids got on the big branches and road them like famous horses from the West--we were the children of Cisco, Roy, Gene, Hopalong and gang. What a huge disappointment when the road crew came and removed that white oak that we kids believed Providence had provided for our entertainment.

Happy Trails to you,